The Divergent Series: Insurgent in Hindi Sci-fi Thriller

The Divergent Series: Insurgent in Hindi Sci-fi Thriller

The Divergent Series: Insurgent in Hindi Sci-fi Thriller

Five days after the attack on the Abnegation group by the Erudite pioneer Jeanine and her brain controlled Dauntless fighters, Jeanine has proclaimed military law and that the Divergents and those aligned with them are the foe. Among the Abnegation destruction, the Dauntless pioneers Max and Eric recoup a case with every one of the five group images on its sides. Jeanine presumes that it contains information from the city's originators and the way to end the Divergence issue. As no one but Divergents can open the crate, she arranges the catch of all Divergents.

The 17-year-old Divergent Tris; her Divergent beau, Four, her Erudite sibling Caleb; and the Dauntless instigator Peter cover up inside the Amity compound. Eric drives a Dauntless group to test all the inhabitants for Divergence. Subside surrenders the gathering's area as the others getaway and board a train a headed into Factionless area. Four uncovers to the Factionless that his genuine name is Tobias Eaton, the child of the Factionless pioneer Evelyn, who is still loathed by Four after she left him with his injurious dad, Marcus.

At the Factionless den, Evelyn recommends a coalition of Dauntless and Factionless against Erudite, however Four decreases. The following morning, the three leave for Candor to get together with the staying Dauntless who were given haven there, including Tori and Tris' closest companion, Christina. During the trip, a dispirited Caleb parts from the gathering. Upon appearance, Tris and Four are captured and brought before Candor pioneer Jack Kang, who expects to convey them to Jeanine. In any case, Four argues for a preliminary with the utilization of Candor's reality serum. The serum uncovers the genuine occasions, and they are exculpated, however Tris sorrowfully concedes slaughtering Christina's sweetheart, Will, which incites her indignation.

Realism is assaulted by the Dauntless who have favored Jeanine, and many are shot with metal circles. Tris is caught by Max and Eric, who discover that she has a Divergent perusing of 100%, which makes her the ideal subject to open the case. Four appears at spare Tris and executes Eric for his wrongdoings. Then, Jeanine, disappointed that none of the Divergent subjects has endure the reenactments that are needed to open the case, is drawn closer by Peter, who recommends the most ideal approach to get to Tris is by abusing her sacrificial Abnegation childhood.

Back at the Factionless base, Four hesitantly concurs with Evelyn that war is inescapable. Jeanine actuates the circles, which are a psyche control gadget that causes Christina and her companions Marlene and Hector to walk mechanically towards an edge and to request Tris' acquiescence. Tris and Tori figure out how to get Christina and Hector in time, yet Marlene plunges to her demise. Defeat by blame, Tris chooses to turn in herself to Jeanine.

At the Erudite central command, Tris takes steps to slaughter herself, instead of agree, however she is halted by the presence of Caleb, who is completely committed once again to Erudite. Tris consents to go through the preliminaries if the suicides stop. Under Jeanine, Caleb, and Peter's watch, Tris conquers the initial four reproductions before she requires rest. The following day, subsequent to finding that Four was caught while she attempted to protect her, she bombs the Amity preliminary, and her indispensable signs stop, to Jeanine's stun. Subside takes her body to Four, uncovers he faked her passing, and helps Four in overwhelming the gatekeepers. Tris is currently resolved to divulge the container's message thus with Peter's assistance, they re-visitation of the recreation room, and she effectively opens the crate before everybody. A visualization clarifies that the walled city and the group framework were important for a trial, with the Divergents as its definitive objective.

The world is sitting tight outside for them to rejoin it. Understanding that she has lost of all her capacity, Jeanine orders the case to be covered and Four and Tris to be executed. Nonetheless, the Factionless break into the room, weaken Max, and salvage Tris and Four. Jeanine and Caleb are captured and the message is communicated to the whole city. Hailed as a saint, Tris is anxious to investigate the rest of the world. In her cell, Jeanine thinks about what may lie past the divider. Evelyn discloses to her that Jeanine will never discover, and Evelyn then slaughters her.

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