Barbie & The Diamond Castle

Barbie & The Diamond Castle

Barbie & The Diamond Castle

Barbie and The Diamond Castle Animation film story is told by Barbie and her ally Teresa to Barbie's sister, Stacie, who had a fight together with her own friend. this is often to show Stacie the facility of friendship. Liana and Alexa are two friends who share a love of music, and also grow and sell flowers for a living.

That evening, a storm rolls in, destroying their garden. subsequent day, Liana offers her food to a poor, old woman who gives them a mirror in exchange. Later, the 2 hear a voice from the mirror and find a woman inside it named Melody. The trio bond over music, and Melody teaches them a song of her own, but are soon attacked by a dragon named Slyder. They manage to flee him, but their cottage catches fire and burns down. Melody explains that she was once the apprentice of the three Muses who lived within the Diamond Castle.

Barbie & The Diamond Castle Animated, Barbie & the Diamond Castle full Animation

Barbie and The Diamond Castle: One among the Muses, Lydia, turned evil and planned to require the Diamond castle for herself. After hiding the castle and entrusting Melody with its key, the opposite Muses were became stone by Lydia, and Melody sealed herself within the mirror to cover . Melody tells Liana and Alexa that Lydia are often defeated if they play the Muses' instruments. Liana insists on helping Melody and Alexa reluctantly agrees. On their journey, Liana and Alexa adopt two puppies, naming them Sparkles and Lily.

The women are confronted by Lydia who orders them handy over Melody. once they refuse, Lydia attempts to hypnotize them together with her flute but they're shielded by the stones on their necklaces. the women escape with the assistance of Ian and Jeremy who join them on their journey but are separated when Liana and Alexa are carried off by a magic bridge. After running out of provisions, Alexa begins to lose heart. They reach a close-by mansion and are greeted by its gracious hosts who, hypnotized by Lydia, tell them that they're the mansion's prophesied owners.

Taken in by its luxuries, Alexa suggests abandoning their quest and living within the mansion, but Liana insists on helping Melody, driving them apart. Liana and Melody leave and Alexa angrily flies her necklace, whereupon she is abducted and hypnotized by Lydia. Liana is captured by Slyder and her hands are engaged by ropes. Alexa is ordered to leap off a ledge if Melody doesn't give her the castle's location. Melody agrees, to save lots of Liana and Alexa, but Slyder unties Liana and knocks them off the ledge anyway. Liana manages to hold on to the ledge and Alexa.

Liana and Alexa reach the Diamond castle's location. While Slyder is distracted by the twins, Lydia creates a whirlpool and orders them to steer in and drown, but Liana manages to grab her flute. Lydia demands its return, threatening to interrupt the mirror, but Melody shatters the mirror from inside to prevent her. The mirror is thrown into the whirlpool, but is saved by Sparkles and Lily. When Lydia’s flute drops within the water, she wades in to urge it, but the flute, waterlogged, backfires and Lydia seemingly disappears. Thinking the Diamond castle can bring Melody back, the women realize that Melody’s song is that the key. They sing together and therefore the Diamond castle reappears. Stepping inside, Liana and Alexa are magically given new dresses and Melody is free of the mirror.

The women enter the music room but Lydia returns with Slyder.  The opposite Muses are freed and Lydia's spells are undone. Liana and Alexa are crowned princesses of music and Melody becomes a Muse. Melody invites them to measure within the castle but they choose instead to return to their old life, with the Muses giving the 2 of them magic seeds which blossom instantly into golden flowers.

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