Angry Birds Telugu - Ultimate Birds Comedy

Angry Birds Telugu - Ultimate Birds Comedy

Angry Birds Telugu Hollywood Birds Comedy

Red, a flying creature who has been an outsider since the time he was a hatchling because of his temper, lives on Bird Island with different flightless winged animals. At the point when his temper causes an untimely bring forth of another fowl's egg, he is condemned to outrage the board class, which is the most extreme punishment permitted on the island. Red's schoolmates Chuck, who is hyperactive and can move at hypervelocity, and Bomb, who can cause blasts with his annoyance and dread, attempt to become friends with him, yet he keeps away from them.

At some point, a pontoon docks at the island's shore, harming Red's home. The winged creatures are welcomed by two green-shaded pigs, the skipper Leonard and his associate Ross, who guarantee to be quiet pioneers bringing contributions of fellowship. The pigs acquaint the fowls with different developments, including a goliath slingshot, however Red gets dubious and sneaks onto Leonard's vessel where he discovers more pigs covered up underneath deck, repudiating Leonard's case that it was simply him and Ross. At the point when he returns and shows everybody the extra pigs, the winged animals will not accept that the pigs are looking for trouble, and Leonard guarantees that he possibly deceived check whether Bird Island was ok for his cousins.

Decided for help, Red volunteers Chuck and Bomb to discover Mighty Eagle, the defender of Bird Island and the main winged creature on the island who can fly, who has not been seen for a long time. They find Mighty Eagle on head of Eagle Mountain, just to find that he has not flown for a considerable length of time, and that he is overweight, self-ingested, and driving the life of a bum. Red finds the pigs planting explosive around the island, and understands the pigs are intending to take the winged creatures' eggs while different flying creatures, who give off an impression of being ignorant of the trio's nonattendance, are diverted with a gathering. Red argues for Mighty Eagle to enable him, To throw, and Bomb, yet he can't.

Angry Birds Telugu Hollywood - Ultimate Birds Comedy

Red reprimands Mighty Eagle before he, Chuck, and Bomb leave. The trio race back to attempt to sound a notice to different fowls and stop the pigs, however their endeavors are futile: The pigs escape with the eggs and initiate the explosive, crushing the town. Different flying creatures apologize to Red for not trusting him and under his authority, they sort out a military and develop a pontoon from the rubble to follow the pigs to Piggy Island.

The winged animals find the pigs living in a walled city controlled by Leonard, whose complete name is King Leonard Mudbeard. Reasoning that the eggs are in the château at the focal point of the city, the winged animals utilize the slingshot to assault by propelling themselves over the dividers and into the city's structures, crushing them. 

Angry Birds in Telugu: Red, Chuck, and Bomb invade the chateau and find that the eggs are inside a net; the pigs intend to bring down the eggs into a monster pot, cook them, and eat them. Powerful Eagle shows up to recover Red's gathering and the eggs, having had a difference in heart. One egg drops out of the net and Red fights Leonard for it, yet figures out how to control his displeasure and occupies him sufficiently long to recover the egg. Leonard coincidentally touches off the pigs' save of explosive, and a pot falls and grounds on head of Red, protecting him and the egg he was holding from the impact as the explosive detonates, wrecking the city.

All the families, put something aside for one, are brought together with their eggs, while Red is thought to have been murdered. Red develops holding the egg, which has brought forth, and returns the infants to their folks. Strong Eagle approaches Red, Chuck, and Bomb, guaranteeing he just seemed sluggish so they could lose confidence in him and discover confidence in themselves, and assumes acknowledgment for sparing the eggs. 

Red, presently a legend, finds different winged creatures have revamped his home in the focal point of the town. Moved, Red permits Chuck and Bomb to move in with him. The pigs are uncovered to have endure their home's demolition, with Leonard plotting another arrangement.

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