Ice Age 2 Meltdown in Hindi

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Ice Age 2 Meltdown Hindi Animated

Ice Age 2 Meltdown full Hindi Dubbed

Manny, Sid, and Diego are presently living in a huge valley encompassed by a gigantically high ice divider on all sides. In any case, the trio finds that the ice divider is really a dam that is scarcely holding a monstrous waterway that could flood the valley to almost a mile submerged. A vulture discloses to them that there is a vessel at the opposite finish of the valley that may spare them all, however they just have three days to arrive at it or kick the bucket. Manny is additionally experiencing difficulty dreading the way that he might be the last mammoth left.

During the clearing, an ice sheet that contains two ocean reptiles from the Mesozoic period, Cretaceous a Cymbospondylus and Maelstrom a Pliosauroidea, severs. When Manny is quickly isolated from them, Diego and Sid experience two devilish opossums named Crash and Eddie who make them insane by playing Whac-A-Mole with them. Manny is as yet stressed over being the last mammoth alive and his family, who had been murdered by people, however is shocked when he experiences Ellie, a female wooly mammoth who accepts she is an opossum and Crash and Eddie's supportive sister. Sid welcomes her to follow alongside the gathering to get away from the flood, and she brings her siblings. After a risky experience with Cretaceous and Maelstrom while crossing a lake, Sid prompts Diego to urge him to concede and confront his feelings of dread - Diego demands that "dread is for prey", so Sid brings up that Diego is acting as though he is the water's prey. 

They find a zone which Ellie reviews as where she was embraced. She at long last acknowledges she is a mammoth and furthermore communicates her doubts about how unique she was from different opossums. In spite of this holding second with Manny, she separates herself from him when he proposes "sparing their species". Ellie and Manny at last make up when they should co-work to spare the gathering when the ground splits under their feet. Sid is abducted by a clan of smaller than expected sloths who trust Sid to be a divine being. Sid lights a fire for them, and accepts that he has at long last discovered regard, however they intend to forfeit him by throwing him into a spring of gushing lava; Sid barely get away. The following morning, Sid tells the others his experience however none are persuaded. In the wake of being annoyed by vultures, the gathering finds the pontoon behind a field of hot springs, which isolates Manny, Sid and Diego from Ellie and her siblings when they contend about what direction's most secure to experience.

At the point when the flood comes, Manny spares Ellie from suffocating as she is trapped in a cavern (because of falling rocks), while Diego defeats his dread of water to spare Sid, Crash and Eddie from suffocating. Cretaceous and Maelstrom show up, yet because of Manny's fast reasoning, they are done off by a stone which falls on them, murdering them both. Different creatures are helpless before the water flows. In the interim, Scrat scales the icy mass and at the top sticks the oak seed he has into the ice. This structures a break in the icy mass, which enlarges into a gap, redirecting the flood and sparing the creatures in the valley; Scrat is then washed away. In the last scene, a group of mammoths appear, demonstrating mammoths aren't wiped out. Yet, Manny and Ellie choose to stay together at any rate, taking Sid, Diego and the opossum siblings along. Sid experiences the small scale sloths again - they trust Sid halted the flood and welcome him to be their pioneer. Diego, amazed to see the smaller than usual sloths are genuine, persuades Sid to remain with the others, conceding that Sid is an indispensable piece of their 'group'.

The epilog shows Scrat having a brush with death in the wake of falling into the gap. He enters a paradise brimming with oak seeds. Out of nowhere, he winds up torn away. He despondently awakens, having been revived by Sid, who he continues to violently assault.

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